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MANIBUS (Movement ANd body In Behavioral and physiological neUroScience)



Settore ERC

LS1_6 - Glycobiology
LS5_1 - Neuronal cells
LS5_8 - Neural basis of behaviour
SH4_3 - Clinical and health psychology
SH4_4 - Neuropsychology



Con le mani (manibus, in latino) compiamo gesti e azioni, entriamo in contatto con gli oggetti nel mondo e interagiamo con i nostri simili. Con le mani facciamo una carezza, ma possiamo anche difenderci da un pericolo. Con le mani usiamo strumenti che possono espandere i confini del nostro corpo. Il gruppo MANIBUS si occupa di temi inerenti alla rappresentazione del corpo, in condizione di normalità e patologia, focalizzandosi su aspetti sensoriali e motori, ma anche difensivi, adattativi ed evolutivi. Nelle nostre ricerche, un approccio neuropsicologico allo studio del comportamento, alterato a seguito di lesioni cerebrali o manipolazioni sperimentali, si combina con tecniche neurofisiologiche di neuroimaging (fMRI e EEG), stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva (tDCS e TMS) e registrazioni psicofisiologiche (SCR, EMG, Heartbeat).

La capacità di sentire le parti del corpo come appartenenti a un tutto unitario sembra data per scontata. Tuttavia, questa sensazione si basa su un equilibrio complesso tra vincoli a priori della rappresentazione corporea e integrazione multisensoriale di tatto, visione, propriocezione e interocezione. Come il cervello riconosce le parti del proprio corpo? Quali meccanismi sono alla base della distinzione tra corpo proprio e corpo altrui? Come si può manipolare la consapevolezza corporea nei soggetti normali? Quali inferenze si possono trarre dalle alterazioni patologiche della rappresentazione del corpo nei disturbi neuropsicologici?

Una componente fondamentale della consapevolezza di sé è la sensazione di agire con il proprio corpo. Attraverso il movimento, il corpo diventa un mezzo per agire nel mondo e interagire con gli altri individui. Quindi, un senso di sé coerente implica l’esistenza di un legame tra corpo e movimento. Quali meccanismi ci consentono di programmare le nostre azioni e predirne le conseguenze? Preparazione, esecuzione e immaginazione di movimento sono processi distinti? Come diventiamo consapevoli delle nostre azioni? Cosa possiamo inferire dalle alterazioni patologiche della consapevolezza di movimento nei disturbi neuropsicologici?

Diverse fonti di pericolo possono avvicinarsi al nostro corpo dal mondo esterno. Al fine della sopravvivenza, un continuo monitoraggio della posizione di stimoli pericolosi in relazione alla posizione del corpo risulta necessario per definire un margine di sicurezza all’interno del quale difendere il nostro corpo. Di quali meccanismi difensivi siamo dotati per la protezione del corpo? Come il cervello combina le informazioni (sensoriali, motorie e propriocettive) provenienti dal corpo per produrre una risposta difensiva efficace? Come può essere studiato e modulato lo spazio peripersonale difensivo? Quali inferenze possiamo trarre dalle alterazioni dei meccanismi difensivi in contesti patologici?

Interagendo con l’ambiente, il nostro corpo si adatta ad esso e si modifica costantemente. Nel corpo, il cervello è l’organo che forse meglio rappresenta questa capacità di adattamento. Semplici procedure sperimentali come la illusione della mano di gomma o l’adattamento prismatico, fornendo input visivi e propriocettivi incongruenti o distorti, possono produrre effetti di plasticità in specifiche aree cerebrali. In ambito motorio, l’immobilizzazione di una parte del corpo produce effetti plastici sull’eccitabilità corticale così come l’uso di uno strumento è in grado di estendere la rappresentazione cerebrale del corpo e dello spazio, incorporando al suo interno lo strumento e la distanza che esso permette di raggiungere. Altro ambito di ricerca molto promettente è lo studio di come corpo e cervello si adattano a condizioni gravitazionali alterate, come quelle di microgravità esperite dagli astronauti. Come possiamo studiare questi effetti adattativi e utilizzarli per capire come si struttura e modifica la rappresentazione del corpo nel nostro cervello


La rappresentazione del nostro corpo come entità distinta dall'ambiente è una componente fondamentale del nostro Senso del Sé. Il progetto MyFirstBody (finanziato dall’ERC Starting Grant) si propone di studiare lo sviluppo ontogenetico della rappresentazione del sé corporeo, adattando le euristiche derivate dallo studio dei pazienti neuropsicologici al contesto dello sviluppo. Quando, come e perché i feti e i neonati imparano ad associare informazioni multisensoriali che contruibuiscono all'emergere della rappresentazione del sé corporeo? In primo luogo, indagheremo i markers impliciti relativi all’emergere della rappresentazione del sé corporeo nella vita pre- e post-natale, descrivendo la maturazione delle componenti cruciali identificate attraverso lo studio dei pazienti neurologici (QUANDO). Successivamente, esploreremo i meccanismi neurali alla base dell'emergere della rappresentazione del sé corporeo (COME) e come il contesto può influenzare lo sviluppo normale e patologico (PERCHE’).


2023-2028 ERC Starting Grant 2022 to Francesca Garbarini
Project entitled: “My first body: bodily-self representation in normal and pathological developmental context” (funding: € 1,325,060)

2022-2023 San Paolo Foundation (Bando Trapezio - Paving the way to research excellence and talent attraction) to Francesca Garbarini
Project entitled “Heteromodal remapping in primary cortical areas: linking cellular mechanisms, circuits and behavior” (funding: € 25.000)

2021-2023 Bial Foundation grant to Carlotta Fossataro
Project entitled: “How body ownership shapes tactile awareness: inducing phantom sensations and measuring their electrophysiological correlates in immersive virtual reality” (funding € 44,000)

2020 Bando Talenti della Società Civile 2019 to Mattia Galigani
Project entitled “Electrophysiological biomarkers for the early diagnosis of autism/Biomarker
elettrofisiologici per la diagnosi precoce di autismo.

2018-19 IBRO InEurope Short Stay Grant Program to Valentina Bruno
In collaboration with Mark Schram Christensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (funding: € 3,000)

2017-2019 San Paolo Foundation (Excellent Young PI) 2016 Grant to Francesca GarbariniProject entitled “The body in human and monkey brain” (code number: CSTO165140; funding: € 78.966,23

2015-2018 MIUR-SIR (Scientific Independence of Young Researchers) 2014 Grant to Francesca Garbarini
Project entitled “The Active Body in the Conscious Brain: physiological basis of motor and corporeal awareness” (code number: RBSI146V1D; funding € 462,000)


In uso (proprie e dipartimentali):

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator (Magstim Rapid2)
  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HDCstim, Newronika) tDCS
  • EEG system (HandyEEG, Micromed)
  • Constant current stimulator (DS7AH, Digitimer)
  • Polygraph Biopac MP150 (composed of an electromyogram amplifier – EMG, Skin conductance – SCR; Electrocardiogram amplifier)
  • Virtual Reality (Oculus Rift 3)
  • Eye tracker (Arrington Research)
  • Setting rubber hand illusion (prosthesis hands and box)
  • Prismatic lenses (11 diopters)  

Necessarie allo sviluppo delle attività di ricerca ma non possedute:

  • fMRI Philips 3 Tesla, available at the Neuroimaging centre of NIT (Ospedale Molinette, Città della Salute e della Scienza).
  • 4D Sonographic scanner (Samsung) available at Clinica Universitaria, Ospedale Sant’Anna (Città della Scienza e della Salute, Torino)
  • Infrared neodymium yttrium aluminium perovskite (Nd:YAP) laser (Electronical Engineering, Florence, Italy), available at the Neuroimaging centre of NIT (Ospedale Molinette, Città della Salute e della Scienza).

With our hands (manibus, in latin) we act and make gestures, we interface with objects in the outer world and interact with our peers. With the hands, we may caress, but also defend ourselves from a potential danger. With the hands, we may use tools able to extend body limits. MANIBUS group mainly deals with body representation, both in normal and pathological conditions, with a special focus on sensory-motor aspects, defensive behaviors, and adaptive phenomena. Our research is characterized by the adoption of a neuropsychological approach where behavioral alterations, due to brain lesions or reproduced by specific experimental manipulations, are observed through neuroimaging techniques (fMRI and EEG), psychophysiological measurements (SCR, EMG, Heartbeat), or through experimental paradigms involving non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS and TMS).


The ability to perceive our effectors as parts of a unitary and coherent body schema is often taken for granted. Conversely, this percept is grounded on a complex balance between aprioristic constraints, defining body representations, and the on-line multisensory integration of touch, vision, proprioception, and interoception. How does the brain recognize own-body parts? Which mechanisms are implicated in the distinction between the own body and the others' body? How can we manipulate the body awareness in normal subjects? How can we make inferences on the normal functioning of the human brain starting from pathological alterations of body representation in neuropsychological disorders? 


A fundamental component of the self-awareness is the sensation that we are acting with our own body. Through our movements, the body becomes a tool to act in the world and to interact with other individuals.  Thus, a coherent sense of self implies the existence of a tight link between the sense of body ownership and the motor system. Which mechanisms allow us to plan our own actions and to predict their consequences? Can programming, executing, and imaging movements be considered as distinct processes? How can we become aware of our actions? What can we infer from the pathological alterations of motor awareness in neuropsychological disorders?


External stimuli representing potential threats may suddenly approach the body. Therefore, for the sake of survival, a continuous assessment of environmental threat positions according to a body reference frame is essential to define a safety margin within which we have to protect our body. Which defensive mechanisms are we equipped with to defend the body? How does the brain combine the multimodal (sensory, motor, and proprioceptive) information coming from the body to provide an appropriate defensive response? How can we investigate and modulate the boundaries of the defensive peripersonal space? What can we infer from the observation of defensive mechanisms employed in pathological contexts?


Our body is constantly modeled by the interaction with the environment. Within the body, the brain is the organ better representing this adaptive ability. Simple experimental manipulations, such as the rubber hand illusion or prismatic adaptation, by providing incongruent or altered sensory inputs, may induce plastic effects in some specific brain areas. Within the motor system, the immobilization of a limb may modulate cortical excitability. Similarly, a tool repeatedly employed to perform a task may be embodied, thus widening the neural representation of the body, now including the tool and the space that can be reached through its use. Another promising research field is represented by the study of body and brain plasticity phenomena induced by altered gravitational inputs, such as microgravity conditions experienced by astronauts. How can we investigate such plastic effects and exploit these modulations to get further hints on how self-body representation is built and updated in the normal functioning brain?


We are now performing a series of pilot experiments, investigating the neurophysiological correlate of body awareness. By employing electroencephalography (EEG) to record (visual, tactile, and motor) event-related potentials, we aim at observing possible electrophysiological indexes of body awareness in normal conditions or following body ownership experimental manipulations or pathological alterations.


In collaboration with Sant’Anna University Hospital (Clinica Universitaria di Ginecologia e Ostetricia di Neonatologia – Città della Scienza e della Salute di Torino), we are performing a series of pilot studies on fetuses (observing eye movements recorded by sonography) and newborns (employing EEG), exploiting multisensory integration mechanisms to investigate the development of body awareness from an ontogenetic point of view.


In collaboration with Leonardo Fogassi (University of Parma), we are performing some pilot experiments focusing on the phylogenetic development of body awareness, with the aim of outlining possible comparative studies between human and non-human primates.


We are carrying out some pilot studies aiming at evaluating possible rehabilitative approaches to be employed with brain-damaged patients, showing body awareness deficits. Possible rehabilitative techniques would be based on brain plasticity phenomena and would combine multisensory trainings with protocols of non-invasive brain stimulation promoting functional connectivity among primary as well as associative sensory areas.

National and international co-authors are indicated in our publications list. Here, we highlight only colleagues involved in co-funding and in co-tutoring of PhD students.

  • Lorenzo Bello (Humanitas Research Hospital, Neurosurgical Oncology Department, Rozzano, Italy) (project MIUR-SIR RBSI146V1D)
  • Gabriella Cerri (Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine, University of Milan, Italy) (progetto MIUR-SIR RBSI146V1D)
  • Mark Schram Christensen (Cognitive Motor Neuroscience section of Copenhagen Neural Control of Movement Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Danimarca) (co-tutor IBRO InEurope Short Stay).
  • Leonardo Fogassi (Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Parma, Italy) (project San Paolo CSTO165140)
  • Giandomenico Iannetti Department of Neuroscience, University College of London, UK) (project MIUR-SIR RBSI146V1D e co-tutor Erasmus Placement)
  • Hubert Preißl (Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology, University Tübingen, Germany) (project San Paolo CSTO165140)
  • Tullia Todros (Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Università di Torino, Italy) (project San Paolo CSTO165140)
  • Elia Valentini (Department of Psychology, University of Essex) (co-tutor Erasmus Placement)

ABO-COBRA: The Active Body in the Conscious Brain: physiological basis of motor and corporeal awareness (RBSI146V1D). MIUR-SIR (Scientific Independence of Young Researchers) Grant 2014. Anni: 2015-2018. Euro: 462.000. PI: Francesca Garbarini 

BAMBI: The body in human and monkey brain” (CSTO165140). Excellent Young PI 2016, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo. Anni: 2017-2019. Euro: 78.966. PI: Francesca Garbarini

RHI-micorG: The role of gravitational input in shaping the sensation of bodily ownership”. FLY Your Thesis!2017 project. Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA). Anni: 2016-17. Euro 7.686. Finanziato a Valentina Bruno (in collaborazione con Pietro Sarasso).

In Use

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator (Magstim Rapid2)
  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HDCstim, Newronika) tDCS
  • EEG system (HandyEEG, Micromed)
  • Constant current stimulator (DS7AH, Digitimer)
  • Polygraph Biopac MP150 (composed of an electromyogram amplifier – EMG, Skin conductance – SCR; Electrocardiogram amplifier)
  • Virtual Reality (Oculus Rift 3)
  • Eye tracker (Arrington Research)
  • Setting rubber hand illusion (prosthesis hands and box)
  • Prismatic lenses (11 diopters)  

Necessary for research developing

  • fMRI Philips 3 Tesla, available at the Neuroimaging centre of NIT (Ospedale Molinette, Città della Salute e della Scienza).
  • Fetal-MEG, available at the MEG Center, University of Tübingen, Germany
  • 4D Sonographic scanner (Samsung) available at Clinica Universitaria, Ospedale Sant’Anna (Città della Scienza e della Salute, Torino)
  • Infrared neodymium yttrium aluminium perovskite (Nd:YAP) laser (Electronical Engineering, Florence, Italy), available at the Neuroimaging centre of NIT (Ospedale Molinette, Città della Salute e della Scienza).

Prodotti della ricerca

Can static Rorschach stimuli perceived as in motion affect corticospinal excitability?
2023-01-01 Agata Maria Claudia ANDO', Francesca Garbarini, Luciano Giromini, Adriana Salatino, Alessandro Zennaro, Raffaella Ricci, Carlotta Fossataro

Spatial proximity to others induces plastic changes in the neural representation of the peripersonal space
2023-01-01 Fossataro C.; Galigani M.; Rossi Sebastiano A.; Bruno V.; Ronga I.; Garbarini F.

The role of early attachment experiences in modulating defensive peripersonal space
2023-01-01 Fossataro C.; Adenzato M.; Bruno M.; Fontana E.; Garbarini F.; Ardito R.B.

Abnormal sense of agency in eating disorders
2023-01-01 Colle, Livia; Hilviu, Dize; Boggio, Monica; Toso, Alessandra; Longo, Paola; Abbate-Daga, Giovanni; Garbarini, Francesca; Fossataro, Carlotta

A modality-independent proto-organization of human multisensory areas
2023-01-01 Setti, Francesca; Handjaras, Giacomo; Bottari, Davide; Leo, Andrea; Diano, Matteo; Bruno, Valentina; Tinti, Carla; Cecchetti, Luca; Garbarini, Francesca; Pietrini, Pietro; Ricciardi, Emiliano

Wearing a Mask Shapes Interpersonal Space during COVID-19 Pandemic
2022-01-01 Biggio, Monica; Bisio, Ambra; Bruno, Valentina; Garbarini, Francesca; Bove, Marco

Moving without sensory feedback: online TMS over the dorsal premotor cortex impairs motor performance during ischemic nerve block
2022-01-01 Bruno, Valentina; Castellani, Nicolò; Garbarini, Francesca; Christensen, Mark Schram

Multisensory-driven facilitation within the peripersonal space is modulated by the expectations about stimulus location on the body
2022-01-01 Rossi Sebastiano, Alice; Ronga, Irene; Fossataro, Carlotta; Galigani, Mattia; Poles, Karol; Garbarini, Francesca

Structural connectivity associated with the sense of body ownership: a diffusion tensor imaging and disconnection study in patients with bodily awareness disorder
2022-01-01 Errante, Antonino; Rossi Sebastiano, Alice; Ziccarelli, Settimio; Bruno, Valentina; Rozzi, Stefano; Pia, Lorenzo; Fogassi, Leonardo; Garbarini, Francesca

Self-other distinction modulates the social softness illusion
2022-01-01 Pyasik M.; Fortunato E.; Dal Monte O.; Schintu S.; Garbarini F.; Ciorli T.; Pia L.

The rubber hand illusion in microgravity and water immersion
2022-01-01 Bruno, V.; Sarasso, P.; Fossataro, C.; Ronga, I.; Neppi-Modona, M.; Garbarini, F.

Bringing Museums to Juvenile Prison Inmates through Virtual Reality
2022-01-01 Agata Marta Soccini; Anna Maria Marras; Gelsomina Spione; Valentina Bruno;

Reach planning with someone else's hand
2022-01-01 Rossi Sebastiano, Alice; Poles, Karol; Miller, Luke E; Fossataro, Carlotta; Milano, Edoardo; Gindri, Patrizia; Garbarini, Francesca

Bodily self-recognition in patients with pathological embodiment
2022-01-01 Candini, Michela; Fossataro, Carlotta; Pia, Lorenzo; Vezzadini, Giuliana; Gindri, Patrizia; Galigani, Mattia; Berti, Anna; Frassinetti, Francesca; Garbarini, Francesca

Bimanual coupling effect during a proprioceptive stimulation
2021-01-01 Monica Biggio; Ambra Bisio; Francesca Garbarini; Marco Bove;

Expertise and injury experience in professional skiers modulate the ability to predict the outcome of observed ski-related actions
2021-01-01 Alice Rossi Sebastiano, Karol Poles, Monica Biggio, Marco Bove, Marco Neppi-Modona,

Seeming confines: Electrophysiological evidence of peripersonal space remapping following tool-use in humans
2021-01-01 Ronga, I.; Galigani, M.; Bruno, V.; Castellani, N.; Rossi Sebastiano, A.; Valentini, E.; Fossataro, C.; Neppi-Modona, M.; Garbarini, F.

Monochannel Preference in Autism Spectrum Conditions Revealed by a Non-Visual Variant of Rubber Hand Illusion
2021-01-01 Galigani M.; Fossataro C.; Gindri P.; Conson M.; Garbarini F.

Like the back of my hand: Visual ERPs reveal a specific change detection mechanism for the bodily self
2021-01-01 Galigani, Mattia; Ronga, Irene; Fossataro, Carlotta; Bruno, Valentina; Castellani, Nicolò; Rossi Sebastiano, Alice; Forster, Bettina; Garbarini, Francesca

I'm a believer: Illusory self-generated touch elicits sensory attenuation and somatosensory evoked potentials similar to the real self-touch
2021-01-01 Pyasik M., Ronga I., Burin D., Salatino A., Sarasso P., Garbarini F., Ricci R., Pia L.

Face-like configurations modulate electrophysiological mismatch responses
2021-01-01 Galigani, Mattia; Ronga, Irene; Bruno, Valentina; Castellani, Nicolò; Rossi Sebastiano, Alice; Fossataro, Carlotta; Garbarini, Francesca

Spatial tuning of electrophysiological responses to multisensory stimuli reveals a primitive coding of the body boundaries in newborns
2021-01-01 Ronga I.; Galigani M.; Bruno V.; Noel J.-P.; Gazzin A.; Perathoner C.; Serino A.; Garbarini F.

EXPRESS: Behavioral evidence of altered sensory attenuation in obesity
2021-01-01 Scarpina, Federica; Fossataro, Carlotta; Rossi Sebastiano, Alice; Bruni, Francesca; Scacchi, Massimo; Mauro, Alessandro; Garbarini, Francesca

Tonic somatosensory responses and deficits of tactile awareness converge in the parietal operculum
2021-01-01 Del Vecchio, Maria; Fossataro, Carlotta; Zauli, Flavia Maria; Sartori, Ivana; Pigorini, Andrea; d'Orio, Piergiorgio; Abarrategui, Belen; Russo, Simone; Mikulan, Ezequiel Pablo; Caruana, Fausto; Rizzolatti, Giacomo; Garbarini, Francesca; Avanzini, Pietro

Drawing lines and circles in Parkinson's Disease: the lateralized symptoms interfere with the movements of the unaffected hand
2021-01-01 Scarpina, Federica; Bruno, Valentina; Rabuffetti, Marco; Priano, Lorenzo; Tagini, Sofia; Gindri, Patrizia; Mauro, Alessandro; Garbarini, Francesca

Major Stress-Related Symptoms During the Lockdown: A Study by the Italian Society of Psychophysiology and Cognitive Neuroscience
2021-01-01 Invitto S.; Romano D.; Garbarini F.; Bruno V.; Urgesi C.; Curcio G.; Grasso A.; Pellicciari M.C.; Kock G.; Betti V.; Fiorio M.; Ricciardi E.; de Tommaso M.; Valeriani M.

Diametrical modulation of tactile and visual perceptual thresholds during the rubber hand illusion: a predictive coding account
2021-01-01 Rossi Sebastiano, Alice; Bruno, Valentina; Ronga, Irene; Fossataro, Carlotta; Galigani, Mattia; Neppi-Modona, Marco; Garbarini, Francesca

The sense of body-ownership gates cross-modal improvement of tactile extinction in brain-damaged patients
2020-01-01 Fossataro, C.; Bruno, V.; Bosso, E.; Chiotti, V.; Gindri, P.; Farnè, A.; Garbarini, F.

Is Bimanual Interference Affected in the Case of a Central Proprioceptive Loss? New Insight From a Left-Brain-Damaged Single-Case Study
2020-01-01 Federica Scarpina, Sofia Tagini, Marco Rabuffetti, Giovanni Albani, Francesca Garbarini, Alessandro Mauro

The anatomo-clinical picture of the pathological embodiment over someone else's body part after stroke
2020-01-01 Pia, Lorenzo; Fossataro, Carlotta; Burin, Dalila; Bruno, Valentina; Spinazzola, Lucia; Gindri, Patrizia; Fotopoulou, Katerina; Berti, Anna; Garbarini, Francesca

Agent-dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability during painful transcutaneous electrical stimulation
2020-01-01 Fossataro, C; Burin, D; Ronga, I; Galigani, M; Rossi Sebastiano, A; Pia, L; Garbarini, F

Effect of tool-use observation on metric body representation and peripersonal space
2020-01-01 Galigani, M.; Castellani, N.; Donno, B.; Franza, M.; Zuber, C.; Allet, L.; Garbarini, F.; Bassolino, M.

What pathological embodiment/disembodiment tell us about body representations
2020-01-01 Garbarini, F; Fossataro, C; Pia, L; Berti, A

Does musical interaction in a jazz duet modulate peripersonal space?
2020-01-01 Dell'Anna A.; Rosso M.; Bruno V.; Garbarini F.; Leman M.; Berti A.

Immersive virtual reality reveals that visuo-proprioceptive discrepancy enlarges the hand-centred peripersonal space
2020-01-01 Fossataro, C.; Rossi Sebastiano, A.; Tieri, G.; Poles, K.; Galigani, M.; Pyasik, M.; Bruno, V.; Bertoni, T.; Garbarini, F.

Long-term limb immobilization modulates inhibition-related electrophysiological brain activity
2020-01-01 Bruno V.; Ronga I.; Fossataro C.; Galigani M.; Sacco K.; Garbarini F.

Direct electrical stimulation of the premotor cortex shuts down awareness of voluntary actions
2020-01-01 Fornia L.; Puglisi G.; Leonetti A.; Bello L.; Berti A.; Cerri G.; Garbarini F.

Self-Harming and Sense of Agency in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder
2020-01-01 Colle, Livia; Hilviu, Dize; Rossi, Roberta; Garbarini, Francesca; Fossataro, Carlotta

Imageability effect on the functional brain activity during a naming to definition task
2020-01-01 Francesca Garbarini, Fabrizio Calzavarini, Matteo Diano, Monica Biggio, Carola Barbero, Daniele P. Radicioni, Giuliano Geminiani, Katiuscia Sacco, DiegoMarconi

“Rorschach, Feeling of movement, and Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs)”.
2019-01-01 Andò, Agata., Fossataro, Carlotta, Giromini, Luciano, Garbarini, Francesca, Zennaro, Alessandro

Suppressing movements with phantom limbs and existing limbs evokes comparable electrophysiological inhibitory responses
2019-01-01 Bruno, Valentina; Ronga, Irene; Fossataro, Carlotta; Capozzi, Francesca; Garbarini, Francesca

Hand blink reflex in virtual reality: the role of vision and proprioception in modulating defensive responses
2019-01-01 Fossataro, C; Tieri, G; Grollero, D; Bruno, V; Garbarini, F

Aesthetic appreciation of musical intervals enhances behavioural and neurophysiological indexes of attentional engagement and motor inhibition
2019-01-01 Sarasso P.; Ronga I.; Pistis A.; Forte E.; Garbarini F.; Ricci R.; Neppi-Modona M.

Owning a Body + Moving a Body = Me?
2019-01-01 Pia L; Garbarini F; Kalckert A; Hong Yu W

'See me, feel me': Prismatic adaptation of an alien limb ameliorates spatial neglect in a patient affected by pathological embodiment
2019-01-01 Ronga, Irene; Garbarini, Francesca; Neppi-Modona, Marco; Fossataro, Carlotta; Pyasik, Maria; Bruno, Valentina; Sarasso, Pietro; Barra, Giulia; Frigerio, Marta; Chiotti, Virginia Carola; Pia, Lorenzo

I do not know whether you did that: Abnormal implicit attribution of social causality in patients with schizophrenia
2019-01-01 Pyasik, Maria; Capozzi, Francesca; Sigaudo, Monica; Cardillo, Simona; Pia, Lorenzo; Rocca, Paola; Garbarini, Francesca

How Tool-Use Shapes Body Metric Representation: Evidence From Motor Training With and Without Robotic Assistance
2019-01-01 Bruno V.; Carpinella I.; Rabuffetti M.; De Giuli L.; Sinigaglia C.; Garbarini F.; Ferrarin M.

Visual Enhancement of Touch and Body Ownership
2018-01-01 Fossataro Carlotta, Ronga Irene, Bruno Valentina, Garbarini Francesca,

Inhibitory motor response with a phantom limb: an ERP study.
2018-01-01 Bruno V, Grollero D, Ronga I, Fossataro C, Capozzi F, Garbarini F.

Entrainment beyond embodiment
2018-01-01 Alessandro, Dell'Anna; Carlotta, Fossataro; Dalila, Burin; Valentina, Bruno; Adriana, Salatino; Francesca, Garbarini; Lorenzo, Pia; Raffaella, Ricci; Marc, Leman; Annamaria, Berti

Suppressing movements with a phantom limb: an ERP study
2018-01-01 V.Bruno, i. Ronga, C. Fossataro, F.Capozzi, F.Garbarini

No-movement awareness induces ERP modulations after long-term limb immobilization in a Go/Nogo task.
2018-01-01 Bruno V, Ronga I, Fossataro C, Garbarini F.

Inhibition or facilitation? Modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery
2018-01-01 Bruno, Valentina; Fossataro, Carlotta; Garbarini, Francesca*

Anxiety-dependent modulation of motor responses to pain expectancy
2018-01-01 Fossataro, Carlotta; Bucchioni, Giulia; D'Agata, Federico; Bruno, Valentina; Morese, Rosalba; Krystkowiak, Pierre; Garbarini, Francesca

Motor sequence learning and intermanual transfer with a phantom limb
2018-01-01 Francesca Garbarini , Ambra Bisio, Monica Biggio, Lorenzo Pia, Marco Bove

Dissociation between executed and imagined bimanual movements in autism spectrum conditions
2018-01-01 Piedimonte, Alessandro*; Conson, Massimiliano; Frolli, Alessandro; Bari, Stefania; Della Gatta, Francesco; Rabuffetti, Marco; Keller, Roberto; Berti, Anna; Garbarini, Francesca

Losing my hand. Body ownership attenuation after virtual lesion of the primary motor cortex
2018-01-01 Fossataro, Carlotta; Bruno, Valentina; Giurgola, Serena; Bolognini, Nadia; Garbarini, Francesca*

Defending the Body Without Sensing the Body Position: Physiological Evidence in a Brain-Damaged Patient With a Proprioceptive Deficit
2018-01-01 carlotta fossataro, valentina bruno, patrizia gindri, francesca garbarini

From pathological embodiment to a model for bodily awareness
2017-01-01 Garbarini, Francesca; Pia, Lorenzo; Fossataro, Carlotta; Berti, Annamaria

The role of parietal cortex during monitoring of involuntary movement: a combined TMS and tDCS study.
2017-01-01 Garbarini, F; Bruno, V; Fossataro, C; Zigiotto, L; Bolognini, N

No-movement awareness induces ERP modulations in a Go/Nogo task.
2017-01-01 Bruno, V; Ronga, I; Fossataro, C; Garbarini, F.

Rubber hand illusion susceptibility increases after motor cortex excitability inhibition.
2017-01-01 Fossataro, C; Bruno, V; Giurgola, S; Bolognini, N; Garbarini, F.

Self-touch induces an opposite modulation of tactile discrimination and interceptive awareness.
2017-01-01 Bruno, V; Grollero, D; Fossataro, C; Ronga, I; Garbarini, F.

Modulation of tactile extinction in patients with pathological embodiment
2017-01-01 Fossataro, C; Bruno, V; Farnè, A; Garbarini, F.

Motor system inhibition enhances the rubber hand illusion susceptibility
2017-01-01 Fossataro, C; Bruno, V; Giurgola, S; Bolognini, N; Garbarini, F.

ERP modulations associated with no-movement awareness: P300 and N400 changes after long-term limb immobilization during a Go/Nogo task.
2017-01-01 Bruno, V; Ronga, I; Fossataro, C; Garbarini, F.

Entrainment and shared representations in joint finger tapping. In Proceedings of the Fourth annual iCog conference
2017-01-01 Dell’Anna, A; Fossataro, C; Burin, D; Bruno, V; Garbarini, F; Salatino, A; Ricci, R; Pia, L; Berti, A

Modulation of the action self-monitoring: a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation study in the healthy brain
2017-01-01 Adriana, Salatino; Alessandro, Piedimonte; Pietro, Sarasso; Francesca, Garbarini; Raffaella, Ricci; Anna, Berti

The role of premotor and parietal cortex during monitoring of involuntary movement: A combined TMS and tDCS study
2017-01-01 Bruno, Valentina; Fossataro, Carlotta; Bolognini, Nadia; Zigiotto, Luca; Vallar, Giuseppe; Berti, Annamaria; Garbarini, Francesca

Role of the Premotor Cortex in the action monitoring: an rTMS study in healthy volunteers.
2017-01-01 Salatino, A.; Piedimonte, A.; Sarasso, P.; Garbarini, F.; Morelli, F.; Montanaro, S.; Ricci, R.; Berti, A.

The role of premotor cortex in action monitoring: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
2017-01-01 Adriana, Salatino; Alessandro, Piedimonte; Pietro, Sarasso; Francesca, Garbarini .; Raffaella, Ricci .; Annamaria, Berti

Movements and body ownership: evidence from the rubber hand illusion after mechanical limb immobilization
2017-01-01 Burin, Dalila; Garbarini, Francesca; Bruno, Valentina; Fossataro, Carlotta; Destefanis, Cristina; Berti, Annamaria; Pia, Lorenzo

Report of seizure induced by 10 Hz rTMS over M1
2017-01-01 Bruno, Valentina; Fossataro, Carlotta; Garbarini, Francesca

Drawn together: When motor representations ground joint actions
2017-01-01 della Gatta, Francesco; Garbarini, Francesca; Rabuffetti, Marco; Viganò, Luca; Butterfill, Stephen A.; Sinigaglia, Corrado

Dynamic shaping of the defensive peripersonal space through predictive motor mechanisms: When the “near” becomes “far”
2017-01-01 Bisio, Ambra; Garbarini, Francesca; Biggio, Monica; Fossataro, Carlotta; Ruggeri, Piero; Bove, Marco

Visuomotor Prismatic Adaptation modulates tactile perception in healthy subjects.
2016-01-01 Fossataro, C; Ronga, I; Bruno, V; Loiacono, B; Bosso, E; Neppi Modona, M; Garbarini, F.

I wanna hold your hand: other-touch induces sensory attenuation as in self-touch.
2016-01-01 Loiacono, B; Ronga, I; Bruno, V; Fossataro, C; Garbarini, F

From intention to perception: the case of Anosognosia for Hemiplegia
2016-01-01 Piedimonte, A; Garbarini, F; Pia, L; Mezzanato, T; Berti, A

The sense of agency affects defensive responses: modulation of the corticospinal excitability during self-generated and other-generated pain
2016-01-01 Burin, D; Fossataro, C; Pia, L; Garbarini, F

The role of motor intention in shaping the body metric representation: Tool-use training with and without robotic assistance.
2016-01-01 Garbarini, F.; Carpinella, I.; Rabuffetti, M.; Bruno, V.; De Giuli, L.; Ferrarin, M.

Interpersonal interactions and empathy modulate perception of threat and defensive responses
2016-01-01 Fossataro, C.; Sambo, C.F.; Garbarini, F.; Iannetti, G.D

Inhibition or facilitation? Modulation of corticospinal excitability during Motor Imagery.
2016-01-01 Bruno, V; Fossataro, C; Garbarini, F

Sensing the body, representing the body: Evidence from a neurologically based delusion of body ownership
2016-01-01 Pia, Lorenzo; Garbarini, Francesca; Fossataro, Carlotta; Burin, Dalila; Berti, Anna

Abnormal sense of agency in patients with schizophrenia: evidence from bimanual coupling paradigm
2016-01-01 Garbarini, F; Mastropasqua, A; Sigaudo, M; Rabuffetti, M; Piedimonte, A; Pia, L; Rocca, P

Bodily ownership modulation in defensive responses: Physiological evidence in brain-damaged patients with pathological embodiment of other's body parts
2016-01-01 Fossataro, C.; Gindri, P.; Mezzanato, T.; Pia, L.; Garbarini, F.

The functional role of ventral Premotor Cortex in motor monitoring of voluntary actions: an fMRI study during mechanic limb immobilization.
2016-01-01 Garbarini, F; Cecchetti, L; Bruno, V; Fossataro, C; D’Agata, F.; Sacco, K; Ricciardi, E; Berti, A.

Empathy or Ownership? Evidence from corticospinal modulation during pain observation
2016-01-01 Giulia Bucchioni, Fossataro Carlotta, Cavallo Andrea, Mouras Harold, Marco Neppi- Modona, Garbarini Francesca

Effects of attentional and cognitive variables on unilateral spatial neglect
2016-01-01 Ricci, Raffaella; Salatino, Adriana; Garbarini, Francesca; Ronga, Irene; Marco, Neppi-Mòdona; Anna, Berti

Decreased motor cortex excitability mirrors own hand disembodiment during the rubber hand illusion
2016-01-01 della Gatta, Francesco; Garbarini, Francesca; Puglisi, Guglielmo; Leonetti, Antonella; Berti, Annamaria; Borroni, Paola

Empathy or Ownership? Evidence of corticopinal modulation during pain observation
2015-01-01 Garbarini F; Bucchioni G; Fossataro C; Bruno V; Cavallo A; Pia L; Neppi-Modona M

The pathological embodiment of someone else’s’ arm: an anatomical account.
2015-01-01 Pia L; Fossataro C; Piedimonte A; Burin D; Garbarini F; Spinazzola L; Bellan G; Gindri P; Fotopoulou A

Action Generation, Intention, and Agency in Motor and Body Awareness Deficits.
2015-01-01 Berti A; Garbarini F; Pia L

Pain expectancy induces freezing effects as in the actual pain: Evidence from corticospinal modulation during classical conditioning paradigm.
2015-01-01 Fossataro, C; Bucchioni, G; Bruno, V; D’Agata, F; Garbarini, F

Are movements necessary for the sense of body ownership? Evidence from the rubber hand illusion in pure hemiplegic patients
2015-01-01 Burin D; Livelli A; Garbarini F; Fossataro C; Folegatti A; Gindri P; Pia L

A predictive nature for tactile awareness? insights from damaged and intact central-nervous-system functioning
2015-01-01 Pia L; Garbarini F; Burin D; Fossataro C; Berti A

On Mental Imagery in Lexical Processing: Computational Modeling of the Visual Load Associated to Concepts
2015-01-01 Radicioni, Daniele P.; Garbarini, Francesca; Calzavarini, Fabrizio; Biggio, Monica; Lieto, Antonio; Sacco, Katiuscia; Marconi, Diego

Bimanual coupling effects during arm immobilization and passive movements
2015-01-01 Garbarini, Francesca; Rabuffetti, Marco; Piedimonte, Alessandro; Solito, Gianluca; Berti, Annamaria

Bimanual non-congruent actions in motor neglect syndrome: A combined behavioral/fMRI study
2015-01-01 Garbarini, F; Turella, L.; Rabuffetti, M.; Cantagallo, A.; Piedimonte, A.; Fainardi, E.; Berti, A.; Fadiga, L.


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