Move'N'Brains Lab
- Cavallo Andrea (Coordinatore)
- Manuello Jordi (PostDoc)
- Enrico Zingarelli (PostDoc)
- Maronati Camilla (Dottorando)
- Rocca Matilde (Componente)
- Eugenio Scaliti (Tecnico)

Settore ERC
Interazione diadica
L'interazione sociale è un problema cognitivo complesso che richiede l'integrazione di percezioni e azioni tra due o più individui. La capacità predittiva è comunemente assunta come il cuore delle interazioni. Infatti, se ci limitassimo a reagire a ciò che fanno gli altri, non potremmo mai raggiungere la coordinazione fluida che sperimentiamo quando cooperiamo con un partner umano. In contesti competitivi come una partita di tennis, una previsione accurata della direzione del colpo dell'avversario può fare la differenza tra vincere e perdere una partita. Ma in che modo le risorse motorie individuali contribuiscono a fare previsioni corrette sulle azioni degli altri? Obiettivo delle nostre ricerche è fornire il primo resoconto completo di come e in che misura il controllo motorio e le previsioni percettive si intrecciano durante le interazioni con i conspecifici. Combinando metodi avanzati di psicofisica ed elettrofisiologia con la tecnologia di cattura del movimento, il nostro gruppo studia: i) La misura in cui la complessità della cinematica del movimento può catturare l'impronta motoria di un individuo e la "distanza motoria" tra gli individui. ii) Il contributo delle risorse motorie e sociali sulla capacità di prevedere le azioni degli altri e di interagire efficacemente con gli altri. iii) Le reti di connettività cerebrale coinvolte nell'interazione sociale in tempo reale.
Inferire le intenzioni dal movimento
Dall'osservazione del movimento altrui siamo in grado di fare inferenze che vanno ben oltre gli stimoli osservati - inferenze circa stati non osservabili quali scopi e intenzioni. Quali processi e meccanismi neurali mediano questa capacità? E' possibile comprendere le intenzioni altrui dalla semplice osservazione del movimento? L'informazione veicolata dalla cinematica è sufficiente a discriminare tra movimenti eseguiti con intenzioni diverse?
Codifica predittiva interpersonale
In attività interattive che richiedono uno stretto contatto fisico come la danza o la lotta, l'azione di un agente può essere usata per predire l'azione del secondo agente. Questa forma di codifica predittiva interpersonale si estende ad interazioni in cui nessuna contingenza fisica è implicate tra le azioni dei due agenti? Quali sono i meccanismi neurali coinvolti?
Risonanza motoria
Quando osserviamo le azioni eseguite da altri, il nostro sistema motorio 'risuona' con quello dell'agente osservato. In letteratura prevale l'assunzione che questa risonanza rifletta un processo automatico, guidato dallo stimolo, che porta inesorabilmente a rispecchiare le azioni osservate. Le evidenze empiriche a riguardo sono tuttavia scarse. In quale misura possono l'esperienza e il training motorio modulare la risposta di risonanza? La risonanza all'azione osservata dipende dalla rilevanza sociale dell'azione? La relazione tra osservatore e attore può influenzare lo sviluppo della risposta di risonanza?
- Prof. Umberto Castiello (Dipartimento di Psicologia generale, Università di Padova)
- Prof.ssa Barbara Tversky (Department of Psychology, Stanford University, USA)
- Dr. Caroline Catmur (Department of Psychology, University of Surrey, UK)
- Dr. Luca Casartelli (IRCCS Eugenio Medea, Bosisio Parini)
- ACT2 - Acting together: how motor styles shape action prediction and brain-to-brain connectivity in typical and autistic populations. Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca. Anni 2022-2024. PI: Andrea Cavallo
- ACT.RACTION - From ACTion to inteRACTION: Modelling motor and neural components of social interaction. Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo. Anni 2022-2023. PI:Andrea Cavallo
- Find.Aut: finding the motor signature of Autism. Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo (CSTO167915). Anni 2017 - 2019. PI: Andrea Cavallo
- Intention-from-movement understanding: from moving bodies to interacting minds. European Research Council (ERC-St- 2012). Anni 2013 - 2018. PI: Cristina Becchio
- The Invisible Grammar of Social Relations. Regione Piemonte. Anni 2010 - 2012, PI: Cristina Becchio
- Motion capture System (Vicon)
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator (Magstim Rapid2)
- Eye Tracker MR compatible (Arrington Research)
- Polygraph MR compatible: Skin conductance, HR, MEP, Oximetry (Biopac MP150)
Reading intentions from movement
How do we understand the intentions of other people? Is it possible to understand the intentions of others by simply observing their movements? A widely held, but untested assumption is that the surface flow of motion people produce is in most, if not in all, cases consistent with a multitude of different intentions.
Contrary to this assumption, our work provides evidence that movement kinematics convey enough information to discriminate intention. We are now using quantitative behavioural and neuroimaging methods to investigate the usefulness of this information for perception, i.e., whether (and to what extent) this information can form the basis for intention detection during action observation.
Motor resonance
When we observe actions performed by others, our motor sistem 'resonates' with that of the agent who is actually moving. A prevalent assumpion in the literature is that this resonance would reflect an automatic process, driven by stimuli in the environment. Empirical evidence is however, very limited. Does the motor resonance depends on the social relevance of the observed action? To what extent can experience and motor training modulate the motor resonance? Can the relationship between the observer and the agent modulate the motor resonance?
The motor signature of autism
In addition to commonly known symptoms, recent researches have reported that individuals with Autism Specturm Disorder (ASD) also exhibit difficulties with both gross and fine motor control observable from birth and evident throughout life. These studies emphasize the link between ‘motor control’ and ‘perception’; they suggest that movement differences between typical and atypical individuals are likely to contribute to the difficulties that individuals with ASD encounter in social interaction. However, due to the clinical nature of the assessment and to the high variability of motor anomalies the precise nature of motor deficits and their implication in the social domain remains largely unknown. The main aims of this line of research, therefore, are: i) to determine the extent to which movements performed by children with ASD deviate from motion regularities; ii) to test whether the information resulting from kinematic features can identify children with ASD with respect to typical developing children and children with DCD; iii) if there is a meaningful relationship between the degree of deviation from motion regularities, the severity of autism symptoms and the difficulties in social interaction.
- Umberto Castiello (Università di Padova)
- Barbara Tversky (Stanford University, USA)
- Luca Casartelli (IRRCS Medea, Bosisio Parini, IT)
- Caroline Catmur (Kings College, UK)
- Luca Romeo (Università Politecnica delle Marche, IT)
- Massimiliano Pontil (University College London, UK, and Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IT)
- ACT2 - Acting together: how motor styles shape action prediction and brain-to-brain connectivity in typical and autistic populations. Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca. Anni 2022-2024. PI: Andrea Cavallo
- ACT.RACTION - From ACTion to inteRACTION: Modelling motor and neural components of social interaction. Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo. Anni 2022-2023. PI:Andrea Cavallo
- Find.Aut: finding the motor signature of Autism. Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo (CSTO167915). Anni 2017 - 2019. PI: Andrea Cavallo
- Intention-from-movement understanding: from moving bodies to interacting minds. European Research Council (ERC-St- 2012). Anni 2013 - 2018. PI: Cristina Becchio
- The Invisible Grammar of Social Relations. Regione Piemonte. Anni 2010 - 2012, PI: Cristina Becchio
Prodotti della ricerca
Casartelli L, Maronati C, Cavallo A. (2023) From neural noise to co-adaptability: Rethinking the multifaceted architecture of motor variability. Physics of life reviews 47 245-263 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Casartelli L. (2023) Is rich behavior the solution or just a (relevant) piece of the puzzle?: Comment on "Beyond simple laboratory studies: Developing sophisticated models to study rich behavior" by Maselli, Gordon, Eluchans, Lancia, Thiery, Moretti, Cisek, and Pezzulo. Physics of life reviews 47 186-188 [DOI PMID]
Rocca M, Sacheli LM, Romeo L, Cavallo A. (2023) Visuo-motor interference is modulated by task interactivity: A kinematic study. Psychonomic bulletin & review [DOI PMID]
Balasubramanian KK, Merello A, Zini G, Foster NC, Cavallo A, Becchio C, Crepaldi M. (2023) Neural network-based Bluetooth synchronization of multiple wearable devices. Nature communications 14(1) 4472 [DOI PMID]
Scaliti E, Pullar K, Borghini G, Cavallo A, Panzeri S, Becchio C. (2023) Kinematic priming of action predictions. Current biology : CB 33(13) 2717-2727.e6 [DOI PMID]
Turri G, Cavallo A, Romeo L, Pontil M, Sanfey A, Panzeri S, Becchio C. (2022) Decoding social decisions from movement kinematics. iScience 25(12) 105550 [DOI PMID]
Montobbio N, Cavallo A, Albergo D, Ansuini C, Battaglia F, Podda J, Nobili L, Panzeri S, Becchio C. (2022) Intersecting kinematic encoding and readout of intention in autism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(5) [DOI PMID]
A Transcutaneous Fetal Visual Stimulator
2022-01-01 Balasubramanian K.K.; Diotalevi F.; Lorini C.; Cavallo A.; Pretti N.; Paladini D.; Torazza D.; Becchio C.; Crepaldi M.
Cavallo A, Foster NC, Balasubramanian KK, Merello A, Zini G, Crepaldi M, Becchio C. (2021) A low-cost stand-alone platform for measuring motor behavior across developmental applications. iScience 24(7) 102742 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Romeo L, Ansuini C, Battaglia F, Nobili L, Pontil M, Panzeri S, Becchio C. (2021) Identifying the signature of prospective motor control in children with autism. Scientific reports 11(1) 3165 [DOI PMID]
Rocca M, Cavallo A. (2020) Wired actions: Anticipatory kinematic interference during a dyadic sequential motor interaction task. Journal of experimental psychology. General [DOI PMID]
Patri JF, Cavallo A, Pullar K, Soriano M, Valente M, Koul A, Avenanti A, Panzeri S, Becchio C. (2020) Transient Disruption of the Inferior Parietal Lobule Impairs the Ability to Attribute Intention to Action. Current biology : CB 30(23) 4594-4605.e7 [DOI PMID]
Quarona D, Koul A, Ansuini C, Pascolini L, Cavallo A, Becchio C. (2020) A kind of magic: Enhanced detection of pantomimed grasps in professional magicians. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006) 73(7) 1092-1100 [DOI PMID]
Zunino A , Cavazza J , Volpi R , Morerio P , Cavallo A , Becchio C , Murino V (2020)
Predicting Intentions from Motion: The Subject-Adversarial Adaptation Approach.
Soriano M, Koul A, Becchio C, Cavallo A. (2019) Modulation of corticospinal output during goal-directed actions: Evidence for a contingent coding hypothesis. Neuropsychologia 134 107205 [DOI PMID]
Koul A, Soriano M, Tversky B, Becchio C, Cavallo A. (2019) The kinematics that you do not expect: Integrating prior information and kinematics to understand intentions. Cognition 182 213-219 [DOI PMID]
Multiple Instance Learning for Emotion Recognition using Physiological Signals
2022-01-01 Romeo L.; Cavallo A.; Pepa L.; Berthouze N.; Pontil M.
Cavallo A, Romeo L, Ansuini C, Podda J, Battaglia F, Veneselli E, Pontil M, Becchio C. (2018) Prospective motor control obeys to idiosyncratic strategies in autism. Scientific reports 8(1) 13717 [DOI PMID]
Becchio C, Koul A, Ansuini C, Bertone C, Cavallo A. (2018) Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds. Physics of life reviews 24 67-80 [DOI PMID]
Becchio C, Koul A, Ansuini C, Bertone C, Cavallo A. (2018) The observability principle and beyond: Reply to comments on "Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds" by Cristina Becchio et al. Physics of life reviews 24 114-117 [DOI PMID]
Koul A, Becchio C, Cavallo A. (2018) PredPsych: A toolbox for predictive machine learning-based approach in experimental psychology research. Behavior research methods 50(4) 1657-1672 [DOI PMID]
Soriano M, Cavallo A, D'Ausilio A, Becchio C, Fadiga L. (2018) Movement kinematics drive chain selection toward intention detection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(41) 10452-10457 [DOI PMID]
Rocca M, Cavallo A. (2018) What's Shared in Movement Kinematics: Investigating Co-representation of Actions Through Movement. Frontiers in psychology 9 1578 [DOI PMID]
Koul A, Becchio C, Cavallo A. (2018) Cross-Validation Approaches for Replicability in Psychology. Frontiers in psychology 9 1117 [DOI PMID]
Koul A, Cavallo A, Cauda F, Costa T, Diano M, Pontil M, Becchio C. (2018) Action Observation Areas Represent Intentions From Subtle Kinematic Features. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 28(7) 2647-2654 [DOI PMID]
Podda J , Ansuini C , Battaglia F M , Cavallo A , Pintaudi M , Jacono M , Semino M , Dufour E , Veneselli E , Becchio C (2018)
Studio di cinematica sull'effetto di comfort dello stato finale: Il caso del Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico.
Cavallo A, Ansuini C, Capozzi F, Tversky B, Becchio C. (2017) When Far Becomes Near. Psychological science 28(1) 69-79 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Ansuini C, Gori M, Tinti C, Tonelli A, Becchio C. (2017) Anticipatory action planning in blind and sighted individuals. Scientific reports 7 44617 [DOI PMID]
Begliomini C, Cavallo A, Manera V, Becchio C, Stramare R, Miotto D, Castiello U. (2017) Potential for social involvement modulates activity within the mirror and the mentalizing systems. Scientific reports 7(1) 14967 [DOI PMID]
Podda J, Ansuini C, Vastano R, Cavallo A, Becchio C. (2017) The heaviness of invisible objects: Predictive weight judgments from observed real and pantomimed grasps. Cognition 168 140-145 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Koul A, Ansuini C, Capozzi F, Becchio C. (2016) Decoding intentions from movement kinematics. Scientific reports 6 37036 [DOI PMID]
Koul A, Cavallo A, Ansuini C, Becchio C. (2016) Doing It Your Way: How Individual Movement Styles Affect Action Prediction. PloS one 11(10) e0165297 [DOI PMID]
Ansuini C, Cavallo A, Campus C, Quarona D, Koul A, Becchio C. (2016) Are We Real When We Fake? Attunement to Object Weight in Natural and Pantomimed Grasping Movements. Frontiers in human neuroscience 10 471 [DOI PMID]
Bucchioni G, Fossataro C, Cavallo A, Mouras H, Neppi-Modona M, Garbarini F. (2016) Empathy or Ownership? Evidence from Corticospinal Excitability Modulation during Pain Observation. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 28(11) 1760-1771 [DOI PMID]
Ansuini C, Cavallo A, Koul A, D'Ausilio A, Taverna L, Becchio C. (2016) Grasping others' movements: Rapid discrimination of object size from observed hand movements. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance 42(7) 918-29 [DOI PMID]
Ansuini C, Cavallo A, Pia L, Becchio C. (2016) The Role of Perspective in Mental Time Travel. Neural plasticity 2016 3052741 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Lungu O, Becchio C, Ansuini C, Rustichini A, Fadiga L. (2015) When gaze opens the channel for communication: Integrative role of IFG and MPFC. NeuroImage 119 63-9 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Ansuini C, Becchio C. (2015) The (un)coupling between action execution and observation: comment on "Grasping synergies: a motor-control approach to the mirror neuron mechanism" by D'Ausilio, Bartoli and Maffongelli. Physics of life reviews 12 129-30 [DOI PMID]
Ansuini C, Cavallo A, Koul A, Jacono M, Yang Y, Becchio C. (2015) Predicting object size from hand kinematics: a temporal perspective. PloS one 10(3) e0120432 [DOI PMID]
Ansuini C, Cavallo A, Bertone C, Becchio C. (2015) Intentions in the brain: the unveiling of Mister Hyde. The Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry 21(2) 126-35 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Heyes C, Becchio C, Bird G, Catmur C. (2014) Timecourse of mirror and counter-mirror effects measured with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 9(8) 1082-8 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Catmur C, Sowden S, Iani F, Becchio C. (2014) Stopping movements: when others slow us down. The European journal of neuroscience 40(5) 2842-9 [DOI PMID]
Capozzi F, Cavallo A, Furlanetto T, Becchio C. (2014) Altercentric intrusions from multiple perspectives: beyond dyads. PloS one 9(12) e114210 [DOI PMID]
Becchio C, Zanatto D, Straulino E, Cavallo A, Sartori G, Castiello U. (2014) The kinematic signature of voluntary actions. Neuropsychologia 64 169-75 [DOI PMID]
Ansuini C, Cavallo A, Bertone C, Becchio C. (2014) The visible face of intention: why kinematics matters. Frontiers in psychology 5 815 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Bucchioni G, Castiello U, Becchio C. (2013) Goal or movement? Action representation within the primary motor cortex. The European journal of neuroscience 38(10) 3507-12 [DOI PMID]
Furlanetto T, Cavallo A, Manera V, Tversky B, Becchio C. (2013) Through your eyes: incongruence of gaze and action increases spontaneous perspective taking. Frontiers in human neuroscience 7 455 [DOI PMID]
Bucchioni G, Cavallo A, Ippolito D, Marton G, Castiello U. (2013) Corticospinal excitability during the observation of social behavior. Brain and cognition 81(2) 176-82 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Becchio C, Sartori L, Bucchioni G, Castiello U. (2012) Grasping with tools: corticospinal excitability reflects observed hand movements. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 22(3) 710-6 [DOI PMID]
Manera V, Cavallo A, Chiavarino C, Schouten B, Verfaillie K, Becchio C. (2012) Are you approaching me? Motor execution influences perceived action orientation. PloS one 7(5) e37514 [DOI PMID]
Becchio C, Manera V, Sartori L, Cavallo A, Castiello U. (2012) Grasping intentions: from thought experiments to empirical evidence. Frontiers in human neuroscience 6 117 [DOI PMID]
Becchio C, Cavallo A, Begliomini C, Sartori L, Feltrin G, Castiello U. (2012) Social grasping: from mirroring to mentalizing. NeuroImage 61(1) 240-8 [DOI PMID]
Sartori L, Cavallo A, Bucchioni G, Castiello U. (2012) From simulation to reciprocity: the case of complementary actions. Social neuroscience 7(2) 146-58 [DOI PMID]
Cavallo A, Sartori L, Castiello U. (2011) Corticospinal excitability modulation to hand muscles during the observation of appropriate versus inappropriate actions. Cognitive neuroscience 2(2) 83-90 [DOI PMID]
Sartori L, Cavallo A, Bucchioni G, Castiello U. (2011) Corticospinal excitability is specifically modulated by the social dimension of observed actions. Experimental brain research 211(3-4) 557-68 [DOI PMID]
Manera V, Becchio C, Cavallo A, Sartori L, Castiello U. (2011) Cooperation or competition? Discriminating between social intentions by observing prehensile movements. Experimental brain research 211(3-4) 547-56 [DOI PMID]