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lncreasing consumer trust and support for the food supply chaln and for food companies

Progetti europei
Programma di ricerca
Ente finanziatore
EIT Food
77.995 €
01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
Anna Miglietta

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

"L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di generare una maggiore fiducia dei consumatori nel cibo, nella catena di approvvigionamento e nei suoi attori, e di aumentare il sostegno alle organizzazioni alimentari e alle loro
azioni. Il progetto continuerà a lavorare in sei paesi (Finlandia, Israele, Italia, Polonia, Spagna e Regno Unito, compresa l'Irlanda del Nord) in questo sforzo, ma le
ma le lezioni apprese avranno una rilevanza più ampia per i paesi in Europa e oltre.
Il risultato sarà 1) una comunicazione attiva e sostenuta e un piano di discussione legato a FoodUnfolded che permette un impegno costante dei consumatori e dell'industria alimentare
(e le sue parti interessate) 2) una maggiore comprensione delle opinioni, delle preoccupazioni e dei desideri dei consumatori in relazione alla loro fiducia nel cibo e nell'industria alimentare
insieme nel contesto delle prospettive degli attori della catena di approvvigionamento alimentare e delle pratiche associate alla catena di approvvigionamento alimentare 3) co-progettazione e
realizzazione di iniziative per aumentare la fiducia dei consumatori nei sei paesi e potenzialmente oltre 4) valutazione del successo di queste iniziative 5) ampia
5) ampia comunicazione delle lezioni apprese e 6) diffusione delle iniziative di successo in tutta l'industria alimentare.
Il valore aggiunto rispetto alle iniziative e alle soluzioni esistenti è che le iniziative per aumentare la fiducia dei consumatori che vengono identificate e implementate saranno state
co-progettato e avrà il sostegno dei consumatori, il che porterà a una maggiore comprensione, fiducia e sostegno dei consumatori per le aziende alimentari/industria alimentare
che intraprendono queste e altre iniziative simili.
Le componenti chiave del progetto da intraprendere nei sei paesi nel 2021 utilizzando l'approccio globale del quadro Relate che ha già avuto successo
(Money et al 2012, 2017) sono: 1) Coinvolgimento dei consumatori - consistente in (i) una seconda tornata di indagini Delphi sui consumatori e analisi delle conversazioni sui social media per
misurare il cambiamento delle prospettive rispetto a quelle intraprese nel 2020 (ad esempio nel contesto di COVID-19), ma con un focus aggiuntivo sulle iniziative per aumentare la fiducia nel
alimentare e il loro successo (ii) promuovere e ampliare la partecipazione alla piattaforma di conversazioni ""trust in food"" istituita nel 2020 con maggiori livelli di impegno
tra i consumatori e tra i consumatori e l'industria alimentare/le parti interessate (iii) creare e utilizzare gruppi di lavoro di consumatori, aziende alimentari/rappresentanti dell'industria
rappresentanti delle aziende alimentari/industriali e delle parti interessate per contribuire a guidare la cooperazione e l'attuazione delle iniziative per aumentare la fiducia e il sostegno dei consumatori (iv) impegno mirato delle aziende alimentari per
impegno per promuovere l'adozione delle iniziative selezionate da parte delle aziende (v) un piano di comunicazione e diffusione in linea con i punti da (i) a (iv) di cui sopra. Nel 2021
ci sarà una maggiore enfasi sull'implementazione aziendale delle iniziative per aumentare la fiducia dei consumatori, la loro promozione e la misurazione del loro successo e
impatto. Questo fornirà una solida base di informazioni e comprensione per l'implementazione più ampia delle iniziative della birra nell'anno 3.

The aim of the project is to engender greater consumer trust in food, the supply chain and its actors, and to increase support for food organiza􀆟ons and their
ac􀆟vi􀆟es. The project will con􀆟nue to work across six countries (Finland, Israel, Italy, Poland, Spain and UK including Northern Ireland) in this endeavour but the
lessons learnt will have wider relevance for countries in Europe and beyond.
The outcome will be 1) a sustained ac􀆟ve communica􀆟ons and discussion pla􀆞orm linked to FoodUnfolded which allows con􀆟nued consumer and food industry
(and its stakeholders) engagement 2) greater understanding of consumer views, concerns and wants in rela􀆟on to their trust in food and in the food industry
together in the context of the perspec􀆟ves of food supply chain actors and the prac􀆟cali􀆟es associated with the food supply chain 3) co-design and
implementa􀆟on of ini􀆟a􀆟ves to increase consumer trust across the six countries and poten􀆟ally beyond 4) evalua􀆟on of the success of these ini􀆟a􀆟ves 5) wide
communica􀆟on of the lessons learnt and 6) roll out of successful ini􀆟a􀆟ves more widely across food industry.
The added value compared to exis􀆟ng ini􀆟a􀆟ves and solu􀆟ons is that the ini􀆟a􀆟ves to increase consumer trust that are iden􀆟fied and implemented will have been
co-designed and have the support of consumers which will lead to greater consumer understanding, trust and support for food companies/food industry
undertaking these and similar ini􀆟a􀆟ves.
The key components of the project to be undertaken across the six countries in 2021 using the overarching previously-successful Relate framework approach
(Money et al 2012, 2017) are: 1) Consumer engagement - consis􀆟ng of (i) a second round of consumer Delphi survey and social media conversa􀆟ons analysis to
gauge changing perspec􀆟ves compared to those undertaken in 2020 (e.g. in the context of COVID-19) but with an addi􀆟onal focus on ini􀆟a􀆟ves to increase trust in
food and their success (ii) promo􀆟on and widening par􀆟cipa􀆟on in the 'trust in food' conversa􀆟on pla􀆞orm set up in 2020 with increased levels of engagement
among consumers and between consumers and food industry/stakeholders (iii) se􀆫ng up and using working groups of consumers, food company/industry
representa􀆟ves and stakeholders to help steer co-crea􀆟on and implementa􀆟on of ini􀆟a􀆟ves to increase consumer trust and support (iv) food company focused
engagement to promote the uptake of selected ini􀆟a􀆟ves by companies (v) communica􀆟ons and dissemina􀆟on ac􀆟on plan in line with (i) to (iv) above. In 2021
there will be increased emphasis on company implementa􀆟on of ini􀆟a􀆟ves to increase consumer trust, their promo􀆟on and measurement of their success and
impact. This will provide a sound base of informa􀆟on and understanding to be􀆩er roll out ini􀆟a􀆟ves more widely in Year 3. "

This consumer-focused project will work with consumers, food companies and other stakeholders (industry bodies, non-governmental organisations, regulatory authorities and policy makers, media) across 6 countries in Europe and Israel to co-create and implement selected measures undertaken by food companies, food industry and others to engender both greater consumer trust in food and greater support for food companies and other food chain actors. It will provide forums and a platform to allow consumers to voice their concerns and wishes regarding trust in the food they eat and in the companies and others involved in the provision of that food. These forums and platform will enable consumers and food industry representaves to directly debate those issues and to explore co-design of a series of initiatives for food companies to implement according to consumers' needs which will both increase their trust in food and their support for the companies and organisations involved. The project will make use of previous and current work on consumer trust within EIT Food (e.g. from TrustTracker®) and external to it and learn from food-related consumer conversations across social media. Lessons learnt will be communicated widely and successful initiatives (as assessed by consumers) will be publicized and rolled out by food companies and organisations more widely. Consumers will drive the process at each stage, from voicing concerns and co-design of initiatives to evaluation of success.

The ultimate aim of the project is to engender greater consumer trust in food, the food supply chain and its actors, and to increase support for food organizations and their activies. This will be achieved by undertaking a series of activies according to a well-tested approach, called Relate (Money et al 2012, 2017) which was developed by Henley Business School in the UK and has been used successfully with a range of companies and industries including Unilever, Shell, the John Lewis Partnership and others. The outcome will be 1) the provision of a sustainable platform for continued consumer and food industry communication and engagement 2) a comprehensive profiling of consumers concerns and wants in relation to trust, together with a mapping of food industry and broader stakeholder perspectives 3) consumer-centric co-design of innovative but practical ways of increasing consumer trust and support across the food chain 4) uptake and implementation of these measures by a range of food organizations across 6 countries in Europe and Israel 5) comprehensive evaluation of their success 6) communication of lessons learnt and successes through case study narratives and messaging and 7) roll out of successful interventions more widely across food industry.The benefits will include (i) enhanced engagement and communication between consumers and food industry beyond that currently achieved (ii) a series of innovative, practical, consumer-driven interventions to improve consumer trust and support of food industry. The project will consist of ten stages: 1. A consolidation and analysis of existing information in relation to consumer trust in food, and a stock-take of existing initiatives by food industry to engender greater trust and support; 2. Giving consumers a voice and an opportunity to be listened to via a number of vehicles including a purpose-built communications platform, focus groups, consumer panels and crowd ideation 3. Idenfication and mapping of all groups/stakeholders involved (including NGOs, regulators, food industry bodies, media) and the issues they identify in relation to consumer trust in food; 4. Putting consumers and food companies/stakeholders in touch through open and mediated physical (e.g. workshops) and internet-based forums; 5. Idenfying gaps between consumers and food industry/other stakeholder perspectives and concerns; 6. Bringing consumers and food industry together to co-design innovative initiatives to increase consumer trust and support (with an EIT Food competion for most innovative initiative); 7. Idenfication of short list of best initiatives; 8. Implementation of initiatives within food companies (5 partner companies initially then expanding to 20+) 9. Monitor and evaluate performance – improve initiatives where needed;10. Communication and roll out to wider food industry. Public and food industry communication will run throughout the project with media involvement.


Bando di ricerca: CALL 2019
Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/02/2023 18:17
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