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IDEAL - Improving Digital Education for All Learners

Progetti europei
Programma di ricerca
Erasmus KA2 in Higher Education
Ente finanziatore
250680 €
01/03/2021 - 28/02/2023

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

During the pandemic of Covid-19, several trends were adopted within the institutions’ network in order to overcome the challenges faced by learning providers as they implemented new practices to address the learning process.

IDEAL – Improving Digital Education for All Learners is a 24-month project developed in response to the rapid changes that occurred in the education and skills sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

IDEAL aims to research, evaluate, and disseminate national/international good practice in the context of Covid-19 and promote new approaches to online learning to deliver academic and technical qualifications, degrees and post-graduate programmes, and high and degree apprenticeship programmes. It will also focus primarily on Higher Education but as there is a similar problem facing Technical, Vocational Education, and Training (TVET) provision at lower qualification and skill levels, this will form a wider vocational learning context.

The project will be made by a consortium consisting of 9 partners, from 4 different countries.

IDEAL is an EU partnership designed to develop academic and technical skills by embedding a new
culture that places learning technologies at its centre.

The IDEAL project’s key objectives are:

  •  Identifying the scale of the problem
  • Fostering capacity building of teachers and institutions
  • Promoting effective use of technology practices
  • Fostering inclusiveness in the virtual classroom, involving students with additional communication needs, such as those with physical or hearing impairments or learning disabilities, such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and others.
  • Developing pedagogy, online curriculum, delivery models, and learning materials
  • Creating guidance in the form of institutional level roadmaps to deliver online infrastructure upgrades and training

The project is addressed to:

  • Higher Education (HE)
  • Vocational institutions
  • Educators

IO1 Defining success in online learning
The project will create a detailed survey to identify what were both the challenges and the successes in making this transition to online learning. This will include identifying the impact on learners and identifying how learner groups that may be more affected by such a move, especially those with additional  communication needs, are influenced. The survey will focus primarily on Higher Education but as there is a similar problem facing TVET provision, up to 20% of the sample may come from a wider vocational learning context.

IO2 Digital Competency for tutors
IO2 aims at providing a competency framework for online delivery. This will include a short-term training event (C1) where tutors from each country will explore concepts of digital pedagogy and delivery and consider practical implementation. Where possible events and collaboration will themselves be virtually managed but given the timespan of the project some face-to-face activity will be included when this is viable. This IO will enable institutions to evaluate the competency of existing staff, identify training and continuing professional development and help prepare new staff for what in the longer term may at the least be a more blended delivery.

IO3 Digital Pedagogy – toolkit
IO3 is a Toolkit focusing on Digital Pedagogy that will identify resources and tools that can be shared more widely. This toolkit will include flexible and adaptable resources, strategies, and policies that teaching users will be able to adapt to their context locally, sectorally, and with consideration of the needs of a range of learners not only in project countries but also in other European countries not involved in the project.

IO4 Digital Pedagogy – report
The main product of IO4 will be a report developed on how to deliver engaging, inclusive learning in a blended and online setting. Methodologies to achieve such learning online will be explored through focus groups, consultation, and testing. From this, guidance will be produced for tutors for use in lesson planning, resource allocation, and delivery. Inclusiveness also will be a key theme explored in the report.

IO5 Becoming online ready
This IO will advise on the key enabling infrastructure for becoming an online-ready institution according to current good practice examples, strategies, and technologies that can be shared and applied more widely. Additionally, the output will look at the management requirements from strategic lead to roll-out and implementation.

For more information:


Bando di ricerca: 2020-1-UK01-KA226-HE-094596
Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/05/2023 12:39
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